SHELL SHOCKERS 1v1 WITH EWA! (it was hell)
[PLG] Nova
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SHELL SHOCKERS 1v1 WITH EWA! (it was hell)
so a while back you know I won the 2019 P90 and Ewa also happened to have it so we 1v1d and lets just say it took forever… watch till the end to see who wins(and there may or may not a giveaway towards the end of the video)
so a while back you know I won the 2019 P90 and Ewa also happened to have it so we 1v1d and lets just say it took forever… watch till the end to see who wins(and there may or may not a giveaway towards the end of the video)
Discord Server:
More Nova:
Discord: _Nova#3456
0:00 Intro
0:18 1v1
7:37 Outro/Giveaway
(Also thx viking for letting me use his thumbnail idea)
Tags (dont look):
shell shockers,shellshockers,pro shell shockers,shellshock,,shell,shell shockers pro, pro,Shell league pro, killstreak, kill streak, cheats, cheater, hacks, hacker, exploits,shell,shell shockers crackshot,shell shockers 100 kill streak,shell shockers hack,shellshockers code,shell league,Ewa,Shell Ewa,1v1,Shell Shocker 1v1,Nova 1v1