My shellshockers highlights
Views: 85
Like: 10
Mhm clearing my clips
still thx @boolet for the cinematic
still thx @boolet for the cinematic
I donno do these tags work or not
#shellshockers #shellshock #fps #gaming #cute_ytg shell shockers,BWD,shell shockers theviking,hidden code shell shockers,smooth shell shockers,shell shockers montage,rare shell shockers,rare skins shell shockers,giveaway shell shockers,shell shockers BWD,rare giveaway shell shocker,rare giveaway shell shockers, kilzomatic,hazmatt,sharkbucks,graysocean,kilzomatic shell shockers,hazmatt shell shockers,sharkbucks shell shockers,graysocean shell shockers
ok it’s kinda unnecessary