Just a small shell shocker killstreak... - leegamestore.com

Just a small shell shocker killstreak…

[PLG] Nova
Views: 14754
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Just a small shell shocker killstreak…
When your playing and suddenly get the world record for the largest killstreak in a public lobby on youtube…

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More Nova:
Discord: _Nova#3456


0:00 Intro
2:50 The Streak
6:34 The End

tags (dont look):
shellshock,shellshock.io,shell shockers,shell,shock,shell shockers pro,pro shell shockers,shellshock.io pro,shell league,shell league pro,shellshock.io killstreak,shellshock.io kill streak,kill,killstreak,shellshock.io cheats,shellshock.io cheater,shellshock.io hacks,shellshock.io hacker,shellshock.io exploits,shell shock.io,shell shockers crackshot,shellshock io,shell shockers 100 kill streak,shell shockers hack,100 killstreak,nova,nova shell shockers,plg


  1. Congrats Nova.. Wow that's an insane killstreak, awesome job dude… great commentary, lol Broonker's laugh at the end! Nice fun ending

  2. Nova please play from me in day samdi please😊

  3. brooke’s laugh is my favorite thing in the whole universe

  4. typical way to end a high killstreak: nade thrown by a bot

  5. Sadly my highest steak is 16 kills 😩

  6. Hi Nova Can u Please Give Me The Invite Of [PLG] Clan

  7. there were no pros but

  8. depends more on lobby than the actual skill of the player

  9. BRAHHHH u beat my 153 u gotta be kidding me bro.

  10. the egg that killed him kept happening as if nothing

  11. i wish i could get lobbies like that. US west servers aren't that easy anymore 🙁

  12. btw nova nice presentation on stardew valley

  13. i asked on another account a YEAR ago whats ur favourite gun. you said sniper. How about now?

  14. Nice, my best is 167 and it took forever! GG bro

  15. Hey nova were u in a moonbase map today in sydney? And was ur name Nova vs Hazmatt?. And were 2nguys called nakes and someone asking for a 1v1?

  16. congrats!!!! now Im curious if you gonna beat 300000 kills! you can do everyting! Man is going to control this game when wiz see this! XD

  17. How did ya get the snake skin crackshot. I is impossible to get that very fast. Pls reply Nova

  18. 49kills but charlie i see you has a 108 killstreak

  19. Hello it’s me, from the ShellShockers game

  20. Hello how did you get all these codes for skins?😮

  21. gng how tf yo ah this good at shell shockers😭😭😭

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