BWD *FINALLY* Ran Me BANKRUPT... (Shell Shockers) -

BWD *FINALLY* Ran Me BANKRUPT… (Shell Shockers)

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This is the first update in over 6 months that I haven’t been able to completely buy out on the first day… 😭

My theme link:

Here’s my FREE clip pack!

Chapters (if any):
00:00 – Looking at new prices
00:37 – Buying what I can lol
00:56 – New in-game Window
01:02 – Total cost and average cost
01:07 – 42 Kill Streak

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TOG’s RC Cars:

Tags (don’t worry about these): shell shockers, shellshockers, pro shell shockers, shellshock,, shell ,shell shockers pro, pro, Shell league pro, killstreak, kill streak, cheats, cheater, hacks, hacker, exploits, shell, shell shockers crackshot, shellshock io, shell shockers 100 kill streak, shell shockers hack, shell shockers challenge, challenge, thatoneguy, that one guy, that one guy ss, thatoneguyss, giveaway, montage, shellshockers montage, shell shockers clips, shell shockers midair, shell shockers update, shell shockers melee, bwd, blue wizard digital, blue wizard, yaboi jenkins, yaboi yannl, boolet, hazmatt, k4hhny, kilzomatic, l2cas, gibby, bubbleaxe, ninja who, jw berry, swi, sharkbucks, yahboyyah, plg nova, fishy tilt, graysocean

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